We are #MovingForward
Orange Ventures joins Moving Forward movement and publishes its code of Conduct

From the start, diversity has been an essential part of our team DNA and vision, as we believe it is a key driver of performance for both our start-ups and our fund. Since the founding in 2015, we have been determined in building a team matching our values, including people from multiple ethnical, social and professional backgrounds.
As things stand however, the start-up and VC community still have a long way to go in terms of diversity and inclusion.
As a responsible investor we are choosing take a proactive position in working towards a more diverse and inclusive startup community.
We start by publicly engaging against harassment and misconduct in the startup-VC relationship and taking a pledge in favor of a more inclusive work culture in general.
We have joined, along with more than 150 other VC funds, Cheryl Yeoh Sew Hoy, Andy Coravos and Ginny Fahs in their worldwide initiative #MovingForward
We commit to engage actively in promoting our vision of diversity and inclusion to the VC and start-up ecosystem by deploying concrete measures that will soon be available on our website. Today, we publish this code of conduct along with a dedicated point of contact from the investment team for entrepreneurs to turn to.
Orange Ventures code of Conduct
We firmly condemn and commit to take action against any form of discrimination, whether based on gender, race, age, social status, religion or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. More specifically, we are fully engaged in fighting against any forms of harassment encountered either by startup members or members of our team in their daily work environment. In that respect, we condemn any form of harassment within the team, meaning any unwelcome verbal or physical behavior based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), gender or age. By the same token, we strongly condemn any harassment situation from investors towards entrepreneurs as we believe that trust is the most essential, yet fragile, pillar of our relationship with founders and start-ups.
We thus establish a dedicated point of contact to report any unjust behavior:
Yann Kandelman yann.kandelman@orange.com
To learn more about #MovingForward – Les Echos